①鎌倉大仏・長谷寺/②北鎌倉 円覚寺・建長寺/③金沢街道 杉本寺・浄妙寺/④横浜 山下公園・中華街/⑤三渓園/⑥みなとみらい・赤レンガ/⑦大涌谷・湯本温泉/⑧芦ノ湖・海賊船・富士山/⑨旧東海道・杉並木・箱根関所/⑩彫刻の森美術館・成川美術館
・Ash 先生からコメントをいただきます。
各回 IJCEE会員:2,800円、一般:3,500円 定員:25人
楽天銀行サンバ支店普通預金口座番号7039937 トクヒ)ニホンブンカタイケンコウリュウジュク
Academic Background:
B.A. English Literature/ Medieval History University of NSW, Sydney, Australia
RSA/ Cambridge University Diploma In Teaching English to Adults (DELTA), London, England.
Teaching and Personal Background:
Ash Warren has been teaching in Japan since 1992. Over the last 20 years he has been teaching in high schools, colleges, universities and major companies throughout Japan. Since 2000 he has been President of the Warren School of Languages and Culture, Tokyo. He has also written for major newspapers on Japanese culture and been a longtime contributor to the Asahi Weekly on matters relating to English Language and Japanese culture, and was Director of Curriculum Design for Obunsha.
Ash has been a student of Japanese and Chinese culture for over 30 years. He has been preparing students for the National Interpreter/Guide Examination since 1997 and since then he has prepared hundreds of students to successfully pass this examination. His school currently has a 95% success record in students passing the speaking test, which is the highest in the country.
Ash holds a teaching licence from the Urasenke school of Tea, and has studied various Japanese and Chinese arts and is an expert in Zen and Chinese Buddhism, as well as a published English haiku poet and journalist