The subject of the samurai and their military prowess has been of great interest to foreigners visiting Japan, and it is very helpful to guides to have a more in-depth understanding of what this actually entails.
This lecture will look at the weapons and ways of fighting in medieval Japan, and compare these with their Western counterparts.
It will also touch on the subject of 'bushido' and the attitude of samurai to the martial arts and the way of training particularly with relevance to the sword and other methods of war.
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Teaching and Personal Background:
Ash Warren has been living in Japan since 1992. Over the last 30 years, he has been teaching in high schools, colleges, universities, and major companies throughout Japan. Since 2000 he has been President of J Communication, which provides teaching and translation services, and is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in English Language at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
He is the author of several books, including The Way of Salt: Sumo and the Culture of Japan, which has been a bestseller globally, has now been translated into French, and has recently sold the documentary rights. Several other of his Japanese-themed mystery book series are also available (on Amazon).
Ash has been a student of Japanese and Chinese culture for over 30 years. He has also been preparing students for the National Interpreter/Guide Examination since 1997 and since then he has prepared hundreds of students to successfully pass this examination. He has been lecturing at IJCEE on Japanese culture for many years to assist tour guides in speaking about Japan in English.
Ash holds a teaching license from the Urasenke School of Tea, has studied various Japanese and Chinese arts, and is an expert in Zen and Chinese Buddhism.