Matt Malcomsonさんのお話を聞く会

"Changing Trends in Travel--How can we adapt?"

IJCEE関西支部 自主研修






Oxalis Holidaysという旅行社をご存知ですか? まず次のサイトをご覧ください。

◆ハートピア京都 第4会議室 受付開始9:20
◆参加費: 会員2000円、非会員2500円 (当日徴収)
◇12:10から昼食 京都つゆしゃぶCHIRIRI (ハートピアから徒歩3分) 
Mattさんも出席されます。つゆしゃぶランチ 2100円
◇13:40から山本松香木店 (CHIRIRIから徒歩5分)  075-441-4694

◆◆ 申込: 次の内容を明記の上メール下さい( )。
1. 名前 2.会員or非会員 3.語学(ライセンスのある方は) 4.当日連絡の
とれる電話番号   5.食事が必要か?  6.聞香体験を希望するか?
*申込期限:2月26 日(昼食or聞香体験希望の方はできるだけこの日までにお願いします。講演は席数が多いので定員に達するまで受付。)
◆ 問合&当日の緊急連絡先 090-6203-4380 中塚 080-5646-1100 上原

2013年3月15日 Mattさん講演会.doc
Microsoft Word 83.0 KB

Oxalis Holidays のサイトより

Matt Malcomson

Matt first traveled to Japan at the age of 18, and has been exploring the archipelago ever since, living in Nara, Miyazaki and Tokyo for 10 years, working for an international magazine, leading outdoor trips and travel writing. He returned to the UK in 2005 and set up Oxalis Holidays. He manages the day-to-day operations and has the envious job of researching new tours. An avid lover of Japanese onsen (hot springs), Matt is always on the lookout for the ultimate off-the-beaten track place to 'take the waters'. Amongst his current projects are writing a book on the historic trails of Japan.     

Our mission

Our mission is a simple one; to introduce visitors to Japan to the beautiful scenery, delightful towns and villages, and above-all the lovely people, we have discovered on our travels. We are a small team of people passionate about Japan, and every one of us speaks Japanese and knows the country intimately. We have travelled the length and breadth of the country; stayed at hundreds of hotels, ryokan and minshuku, taken trains, planes, ferries and buses to the far corners of this amazing country, to discover the best food, best accommodation and best service that you can expect.

We strongly believe in travel having a positive impact on both the traveler and the local people, and not just because this is the 'flavour of the moment'. Our tours travel both to the famous sites, but also to the lesser-known places that have not made it into the guidebooks. You may find yourself on a super-fast bullet train one day, and the next sitting in a small country hot spring miles from the nearest town.

We try to strike a balance between easy, comfortable travel, with seeing places that require a degree more effort to get to. Some of our destinations are not visited by any other tour company, and that's because they are not suited to mass-market tourism. Our favourite inns may not have internet access or or even their own website, but they have the freshest food and personal service you can't reproduce on a large scale.

Who we are

We are a small tour operator based in the UK with an office in Japan, however our guides all are based in Japan.

Our guides are professional, trained guides who are bilingual Japanese and English (as well as some who speak German or French) and have a deep knowledge of and passion for Japan's people, culture and history.

Our service begins the minute you book, with the personal service and the full support of our team who will do their best to answer any question or fulfill any request. Once in Japan, our guides travel with you throughout the trip, always on hand to help and make your trip the truly memorable.









TEL: 03-6432-0192

FAX: 03-6432-0042


 ◆関東本部 アクセス


火曜日~土曜日 9:00~17:00



PDFファイル 2.0 MB



